Thursday, January 22, 2009
-Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani, "Fayuz E Yazdani"
God has said, "Spend;" so earn something,
since there can be no expenditure without income.
Although He used the word, Spend absolutely,
read it, "Earn, then spend."
-Rumi, Mathnawi [V, 579-580]
something's in the air
haha, twisted up there no? i am not gonna reveal what i am working on nor whom i will be giving it to. i will however tell you that i have FINALLY made progress with it. it's going somewhere, after months of just staring at it and have no idea whatsoever of where/how to start.
i went to the IIU library to look for references. emm got some, yes, but since i am no longer a student there (yes, i am not over it) i can't borrow the books. a friend offered to lend her card, but i refused, cause there were, say 4 books that i wanted to borrow plus i wasn't gonna use the whole book. didn't want to trouble her. anyways i made copies of the specific pages that i wanted at the photocopy centre. they are an angry bunch i must say, perhaps i caught them on a bad day? even so, ahh never mind~ they even made bad copies of the pages, they were dirty, and dark. i couldn't see the details, which is why i looked for references in the first place. huh -_-'
that aside, i am
very excited at the moment! touch wood. hopefully things will look up from here on.
and yes, of course i will post it here, soon as i have given it to the person. i let you know how it went too...
Monday, January 19, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
-Sadi, "Gulistan"
The Merciful is kind to those who are merciful. If you show compassion to your fellow creatures in this world, then those in heaven shall be compassionate toward you.
-The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as narrated by Abd'Allah bin Amr
The sign of the friend of God is that he has three qualities: a generosity like that of the ocean, a compassion like that of the sun, and a humility like that of the earth.
-Bayazid in 'Attar, "Tadhkirat"
Do not strut proudly on account of your good deeds. Do not let pride waylay you. When you deem yourself holier than others, know that you have fallen into grave error because in your pride you believed yourself equal to God.
-Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani, "Futhul Ghaib"
Friday, January 16, 2009
Unusual (and fun!) Hang-out Ideas
Unusual (and fun!) Date Ideas
- Go on a search for as many good climbing trees as possible, climb as high as you both can in all of them, compile photo evidence
- Go to a major chain bookstore, and leave notes to future readers in copies of your favorite books
- Have her dress up as a ghost and you dress uup us Pacman. Walk around downtown holding hands, and whenever anyone sees you two, pretend to be embarrassed, and run off screaming “wocka wocka wocka.”
- Create photo evidence suggesting that you went on an adventure that didn’t really happen
- Dress up as superherous and stop at least one petty crime “ie. jaywalking, littering….”
- Build forts out of furniture and blankets, and wage war with paper airplanes.
- Try and visit as many people as you can in one night, and turn as many things inside their apartment upside down as you can, without them noticing.
- Go to the airport, get the cheapest, soonest departing flight to anywhere when you show up, and stay there for a weekend.
- Write a piece of fiction together. Outside at a cafe. Ask strangers when you get stuck.
- Dress to the nines, pretend to be married, and test drive very expensive vehicles at an auto dealership.
- Do the lamest tourist thing in your area that you have both secretly wanted to do forever. Have an unabashed good time!
- In the middle of the night, drive to the beach, so you arrive just as the sun is rising. Have a breakfast picnic, then fall asleep together. Bring a sun umbrella.
- Drive somewhere unknown and have dinner in a city you’ve never been to. With fake names.
- Go to a minor league baseball game under the stars. Tell each other stories about how bad you are at athletics. Randomly cheer for both teams. Eat lots of Cracker Jack.
- Go around the city with sidewalk chalk and draw hearts with equations inside on random things
- Walk around a city and perform short silent plays in front of security cameras
- With camera and pair of boots, make photolog of a day in the life of the invisible man.
- Walk around the city all night and find a place to eat breakfast at dawn
- Go to a restraunt and convince the cook to create something completely new for you.
- Rent a movie you’ve never seen before. Set on mute and improvise dialogue.
just the other day we were wondering out loud, "i wish we could just find 'the one' right now, tired of waiting~"
p/s: NOT that i am encouraging dating! merely a useless post. i, myself am not into these dating trends. again, just a fun post, you could do them with your friends!
-aah to make it friendlier, lets change the title 'Unusual (and fun!) Hang-out Ideas'
-also 'her' to 'him/her'
Thursday, January 08, 2009
the watchers.

the eyes are mine. could you believe it? :P
i still have eyes that can see, i still a life i can live peacefully (doubtful)
the city that is pictured up there is still in one piece, is still living
open your eyes and see, see the pain i see
see the sadness, see the cruelness!
see the crumbling of the sacred city
see the stiff bodies, some in pieces
pray people pray!
get your butt up and do something for God's sake, for heaven's sake!
stop being so ignorant!!
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
thunder in their world
Poem: Only Thunder [Thoughts About Gaza]
Sr. Marryam“I was telling them this is thunder, don’t worry, don’t be afraid.”
—Ayman Atalla, 38, talking of his three children in the December 2008 Israeli massacre of Gazans
it’s only thunder
don’t you worry
don’t be afraid
lay your head down
close your eyes
because its only thunder
but father, father
the bombs are dropping
and i am afraid
our house is shaking
our windows breaking
and i am afraid
no child no
it’s only thunder
so don’t you worry
don’t be afraid
just lay your head down
and close your eyes now
for its only thunder
but father, father
the sky is smoking
and i am afraid
the streets are cracking
and boys next door are bleeding
and i am afraid
oh dear daughter
it’s only thunder
please don’t worry
don’t be afraid
go lay your head down
and let your eyes close
it’s only thunder cracking
but father, father
why wont you answer?
cant you hear me?
tell me, ‘don’t be afraid’
tell me, ‘don’t be afraid’
because i’m so afraid
i am so afraid
The World I Live In : Reflections on Gaza
Sr. Irum SarfarazFar beyond the rusted iron bars On the window of my home
I see a world that is utopia to me
It watches its children grow up in peace
And sees them laugh
And sees them live
That world beyond is a bubble to me
That has perfect harmony
And color
And life
That world to me is a fairy tale
That exists for me
As fairy tales do
In books
And stories
And fables
The world I live in is no fable
Or utopia
Or fairy tale
The world I live in is a world
That functions
On one day to the next,
One breath to another and
One heartbeat to the second basis.
I’ve heard that the utopian world
Beyond my borders
Is a coveted one
But I have no time to remonstrate
Or passion to envy
Or desire to desire
Any longer
I buried my children in Gaza today
Poem: Reflections Over Tea
This mint came from Palestine she said
While she poured my tea, dark red and glowing
I looked up, blankly starring
This mint came from Palestine she said
I sip it
Let it seep in
I try to let it all
Sink in
Some drinks
Aren't as sweet though
That's the problem
Like watching behind a screen
My homeland I never knew
Before my eyes
Always behind
A screen
Then comes the wind
Away the ashes
And drying my
Tearless face
The rain falls gently
Washing away some
Of the blood
Of the debris from a bombed out building
In a green patch near a graveyard
The mint leaves quietly
Drink in
Their long awaited
In that homeland I never knew
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
-The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Anas bin Malik
Dhu'l-Nun was asked: "What causes a devotee to be worthy of entrance to paradise?" He said: "One merits entrance to paradise by five things: unwavering constancy, unflagging effort, meditation on God in solitude and society, anticipating death by preparing provision for the hereafter, and bringing oneself to account before one is brought to judgment."
-'Attar, "Tadhkirat"
Gathering of the bunch
although the turn up was a tad bit disappointing, we had fun! i mean i did (with the running back and forth and all) i don't know if it was mutual among the rest.
i am just glad that finally there was a gathering, i wouldn't mind hosting another one just as long as everyone will be there....

Sejarah Asyura
Menurut tradisi masyrakat Islam, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. telahpun melakukan puasa Asyura sejak di Makkah lagi memandangkang puasa Asyura adalah amalan biasa masyarakat tempatan. Apabila baginda berhijrah ke Madinah, baginda turut mendapati yang kaum Yahudi turut berpuasa pada hari Asyura (atau bagi mereka adalah Yom Kippur yang juga pada hari kesepuluh). Ketika itu, Baginda mengesahkan dan mensyariatkan puasa sehingga ia menjadi satu kewajiban kerana baginda merasakan masyarakat Islam lebih dekat dengan Nabi Musa. Ibn Hajar al-asqalani, dalam pernyataannya terhadap sahih Bukhari mengatakan yang syariat puasa telah dijadikan kepada bulan Ramadhan setahun kemudian. Kini, masyarakat Islam melakukan puasa pada 10 Muharram sebagai amalan sunat dan bukan kewajiban.
Masyarakat Islam turut percaya akan berlakunya kejadian besar ketika 10 Muharram:
- Hari pertama Allah menciptakan alam.
- Hari Pertama Allah menurunkan rahmat.
- Hari pertama Allah menurunkan hujan.
- Allah menjadikan 'Arasy.
- Allah menjadikan Luh Mahfuz.
- Allah menjadikan alam.
- Allah menjadikan Malaikat Jibril.
- Nabi Adam a.s. dicipta.
- Diampunkan dosa Nabi Adam a.s. setelah bertahun-tahun memohon keampunan kerana melanggar larangan Allah.
- Nabi Idris a.s. diangkat darjatnya oleh Allah dan Malaikat Izrail membawanya ke langit.
- Diselamatkan Nabi Nuh a.s. dan pengikutnya dari banjir besar selama enam bulan dan bahtera baginda selamat berlabuh di puncak pergunungan.
- Nabi Ibrahim a.s. dilahirkan di kawasan pedalaman dan terselamat dari buruan Raja Namrud.
- Nabi Ibrahim a.s. diselamatkan Allah dari api Raja Namrud.
- Nabi Yusuf a.s. dibebaskan dari penjara setelah meringkuk di dalamnya selama tujuh tahun.
- Nabi Yaakub a.s. telah sembuh buta matanya ketika kepulangan anaknya Yusuf di hari tersebut.
- Nabi Ayub a.s. disembuhkan dari penyakitnya.
- Nabi Musa a.s. telah diselamatkan daripada tentera Firaun dan berlakunya kejadian terbelahnya Laut Merah.
- Allah menurunkan kitab Taurat kepada Nabi Musa a.s..
- Nabi Yunus a.s. selamat keluar dari perut ikan paus setelah berada di dalamnya selama 40 hari 40 malam.
- Kesalahan Nabi Daud a.s. diampuni Allah.
- Nabi Sulaiman a.s. dikurniakan Allah kerajaan yang besar.
- Nabi Isa a.s. diangkat ke syurga ketika diburu oleh tentera Rom untuk menyalib baginda.
- Saidina Hussein ibni Ali telah syahid akibat dibunuh dengan kejam di Karbala oleh tentera khalifah Bani Umaiyyah iaitu Khalifah Yazid.
14 Perkara Yang Sunat Dilakukan Pada Hari Asyura
(10 Muharram, bersamaan Rabu, 7 JAN 2009 )
1. Melapangkan masa / belanja anak , suami & isteri2
fadhilat - Allah akan melapangkan hidupnya pada tahun ini.
2. Memuliakan fakir miskin
fadhilat - Allah akan melapangkannya dalam kubur nanti.
3. Menahan marah
fadhilat - Di akhirat nanti Allah akan memasukkannya ke dalam golongan yang ridha.
4. Menunjukkan orang sesat
fadhilat - Allah akan memenuhkan cahaya iman dalam hatinya.
5. Menyapu / mengusap kepala anak yatim
fadhilat - Allah akan mengurniakan sepohon pokok di syurga bagi tiap-tiap rambut yang di sapunya.
6. Bersedekah
fadhilat - Allah akan menjauhkannya daripada neraka sekadar jauh seekor gagak terbang tak berhenti-henti dari
kecil sehingga ia mati. Diberi pahala seperti bersedekah kepada semua fakir miskin di dunia ini.
7. Memelihara kehormatan diri
fadhilat - Allah akan mengurniakan hidupnya sentiasa diterangi cahaya keimanan.
8. Mandi Sunat
fadhilat - Tidak sakit (sakit berat)pada tahun itu
lafaz niat : 'Sahaja aku mandi sunat hari Asyura kerana Allah Taala'
9. Bercelak
fadhilat - tidak akan sakit mata pada tahun itu.
10. Membaca Qulhuwallah hingga akhir seribu kali
fadhilat - Allah akan memandanginya dengan pandangan rahmah diakhirat nanti.
11. Sembahyang sunat empat rakaat
fadhilat - Allah akan mengampunkan dosanya walau telah berlarutan selama 50 tahun melakukannya.
lafaz niat : 'Sahaja aku sembahyang sunat hari Asyura empat rakaat kerana Allah Taala'
Pada rakaat pertama dan kedua selepas fatihah di baca Qulhuwallah sebelas kali.
12. Membaca
'hasbiyallahhu wani'mal wakil wa ni'mal maula wa ni'mannasiiru'
fadhilat - Tidak mati pada tahun ini .
13. Menjamu orang berbuka puasa
fadhilat - Diberi pahala seperti memberi sekalian orang Islam berbuka puasa.
14. Puasa
Niat - 'Sahaja aku berpuasa esok hari sunat hari Asyura kerana Allah Taala'
fadhilat - Diberi pahala seribu kali Haji, seribu kali umrah dan seribu kali syahid dan diharamkannya daripada neraka.
Monday, January 05, 2009
ni asna la ni~
These are the top 40 careers (of 298) that match my color signature.
1. ARCHITECTURE (pre-architecture) - trained in the art and science of building design | |||||||||||||||||||||
2. POLITICIAL SCIENCE / GOVERNMENT | |||||||||||||||||||||
4. GRAPHIC DESIGN | |||||||||||||||||||||
5. RELIGION | |||||||||||||||||||||
7. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE | |||||||||||||||||||||
8. INSPECTORS TESTERS AND GRADERS | |||||||||||||||||||||
9. STOCK CLERKS | |||||||||||||||||||||
10. COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY FACULTY | |||||||||||||||||||||
11. WHOLESALE TRADE SALES WORKERS | |||||||||||||||||||||
12. MANUFACTURERS' SALES WORKERS | |||||||||||||||||||||
13. LINGUISTICS - study of the nature, structure, and variation of language. | |||||||||||||||||||||
14. BRICKLAYERS AND STONEMASONS | |||||||||||||||||||||
15. MANAGEMENT ANALYSTS and CONSULTANTS | |||||||||||||||||||||
16. FOREIGN LANGUAGES | |||||||||||||||||||||
18. ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN | |||||||||||||||||||||
19. GENERAL MANAGERS and TOP EXECUTIVES | |||||||||||||||||||||
20. COMMERCIAL ART | |||||||||||||||||||||
21. ART (e.g. painting drawing and sculpture) | |||||||||||||||||||||
24. THEOLOGY - the rational and systematic study of religion and its influences and of the nature of religious truth | |||||||||||||||||||||
25. BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT | |||||||||||||||||||||
26. BROADCAST TECHNICIANS | |||||||||||||||||||||
27. CIVIL ENGINEERING - design and supervise the construction of roads, buildings, airports, water supply | |||||||||||||||||||||
28. FOOD SCIENCES / TECHNOLOGY | |||||||||||||||||||||
29. CINEMATOGRAPHY / FILM / VIDEO | |||||||||||||||||||||
30. MUSIC (liberal arts) | |||||||||||||||||||||
31. ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING | |||||||||||||||||||||
32. PHILOSOPHY - Love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self-discipline. | |||||||||||||||||||||
33. SECURITIES AND FINANCIAL SERVICES SALES REPS - ( stockbrokers ) | |||||||||||||||||||||
34. ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING | |||||||||||||||||||||
35. NUCLEAR ENGINEERING | |||||||||||||||||||||
36. COMPUTER ELECTRONICS REPAIR | |||||||||||||||||||||
37. CARPENTER | |||||||||||||||||||||
38. CITY - COMMUNITY AND REGIONAL PLANNING | |||||||||||||||||||||
39. SOCIAL SCIENCES | |||||||||||||||||||||