i apologize from every cell in my being for the long long hiatus,
for going MIA and for losing my short story file~
wait what?
yup that's right folks i LOST it. i have no idea where i saved it. there was one copy in my (read: my bro's) thumbdrive but i deleted it off cause, well, cause i thought i saved it somewhere else as in my computer or laptop. turns out i DIDN't! haih...typical shaqyl move~
oh well i could always write another. BUT not at the moment cause i'm swamped with designing projects. who would've thought i'd still be doing this? EVERYONE of course. hm, my doctor said i still couldn't let go. then again how could i? it's sort of like second nature to me. i told her, perhaps i never will~
anyways yup lots to do. no holiday for me eyh
1. Websites (2 and more coming my way)
2. PR proposal for FFC (flag football club) (which i have submitted my draft but no one else seems to care to do their part...lalala~) (i still need to work on the posters!)
3. A design concept for a single release ( for a friend)
4. I forgot!!! (hmm it'll come to me later~)
Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kualitas Gambar CCTV
23 hours ago
lor..sedeynye shaq..
takpe2..nanti ade ganti diey :D
may Allah ease everything :)
i have a favour to ask u :)
tu la...haih. insyaAllah.
yes? ask away~
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