Monday, July 21, 2008

a little gift from little me~

well, recently i realised that i've been making quite an mount of birthday cards....

just thought of posting it...

hee hee hee~

there you go...

sape nak tempah???


bole buat business kan?

tp saye ni tak reti nak mntk duit kat orang la..

susah la kalau cmtu kn?

ade sorang penah ckp kat saye...kalau dr dulu lg
(maksudnye 10thn dulu...sbb da 10thn saye mengunakn prog2 adobe)
saye charge...mesti saye da kaya gile aa...

hmm...tah la...

saye rase lebih senang kalau saye sekadar tolong orang...

kalau orang tu ikhlas nak bayar...saye amik kot?
mungkin mule mule susah saye nak amik
tp kalau pujuk skit...amik kot~

hmm...tgh nak cari duit la..nak beli handphone baru~
handphone ni da mule gile macam tuan die...

Monday, July 14, 2008

how to be immortal

A man tells his stories so many times that he becomes the stories. They live on after him, and in that way he becomes immortal.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

a friend indeed...

ujian, datang dan pergi...
sejauh mana ia dinilai, bergantung kepada IMAN di hati...
tanpa disedari, ia membina HIKMAH dalam diri...
perlu diSYUKURi, bukan dibenci...

03/25/2008 2:01 pm

Sesungguhnya, teman bukan seperti papan skate, digilap sebelum main tetapi dipijak apabila bermain...
bukan juga seperti bola sepak, dikejar sebelum dapat tetapi ditendang apabila dapat...
tidak juga seperti bulu tangkis, dipegang sebelum main tetapi dipukul apabila bermain...
Sedarlah, teman ibarat bola ragbi, direbut sebelum dapat dan diberi perlindungan setelah dimiliki.......

02/29/2008 3:06 pm

hari demi hari terus berlalu. masa terus berinjak. baki usia kian mendikit. tanpa sedar, hari yang dilalui semakin singkat. masa semakin pantas. dan sedang tinta melakari warkah, hari penamat smakin menghampir.
bagaimana hendak dikejutkan diri dari lena sedang nyenyak membelai? bagaimana harus dilontar lalai sedang selesa mendakap?
jawapannya bersemadi di dalam dada... sama ada mahu atau tidak, hati insan tetap mengakui sebuah kebenaran...

06/27/2007 10:42 pm

kadang kadang kita menjadi keliru dan celaru mengapa ditakdirkan pertemuan dan perpisahan.....haruman bahagia mewangi tatkala pertemuan pertama...dan lara membungkam rasa takala perpisahan bertamu di ruang pertemuan....mungkin tanpa disedari kita sebenarnya dianugerahkan satu sifat kasih sayang....yang dititipkan buat insan atas sifat Ar Rahmannya.....membuat jiwa bisa gembira diulit bahagia dan derita dibelai sengsara....dan inilah juga bukti rahmatNya yang maha luas......
UKHWAH.....kita disatukan kerananya...tetapi sandarkanlah setiap yang berlaku kepadaNya kerana kerana Dia menduga kerana kasihNya....semakin diuji,semakin hampir kita denganNya.....dan apabila kita semakin denganNya,terasa kemanisan iman bertakung di dada....
Ya Allah,janganlah Engkau tarik kembali nikmatMu ini....kami bersatu keranaMu di bawah lembayung UKHWAH yang Kau kurniakan.....
....... Inilah secebis luahan hamba buan teman teman yang bertakhta ruang di minda........

08/28/2007 10:17 am

messages from a friend, taufiq.

i often open the folder where these are stored and click on the files as often (no kidding..haha)
it's comforting somehow

i truly speak through words and i am affected most through words

aim at heaven....

Aim at Heaven and you will get Earth thrown in. Aim at Earth and you get neither.

-C.S. Lewis

Friday, July 11, 2008

three days of muslim wisdom

Hardship may dishearten at first,
but every hardship passes away.
All despair is followed by hope;
all darkness is followed by sunshine.

-Rumi, "Mathnawi"


Wherever the delusion of your selfhood appears — there's hell.
Wherever "you" aren't – that's heaven.

-Abu Sa'id in Ibn Munawwar, "Asrar at-tawhid"


Read the Qur'an as long as you are attentive,
but when you feel your attention slip, put the Book away.

-The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Jundub bin Adb'Allah

telling a lie

it's like someone telling you,

"go on, throw out the line, it will catch on a fish"

and you hesitate at first but that someone convinces you to do it.
that someone gave you the something to look forward to. hope. faith. belief.

and you throw out the line.

for what???

to find out it catches on to nothing that seemed and felt like something in the beginning.

how would you feel?

je préfère ne rien dire.


i've been telling everyone (who knows about it and who will listen) the a point that apart of me longs for their sympathy...i do not know. it's just that there's nothing left for me to do other than tell people of the story. as if telling lets me relive the times..and be in that moment for a while. where after i'll find myself crying silently to oblivion...


sometimes my crying goes unnoticed even by me.


i know crying does nothing other than dehydrates my body. lol. but crying is the only thing i could do.


there's another thing i could do


i am moving on with my life (oh don't get me started on my life's story...there's just too much sorrow)

but i can't let go
how do you let go?
how do you let go of the things that make you happy?
how do you let go of the thing, the person that means more to you than air? (it's just a metaphor)

how do you?

you don't.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Pisang dan Hati

Maryam, guru kelas Tadika menganjurkan satu permainan yang sungguh menarik untuk murid-muridnya. Setiap murid diminta membawa beg plastik yang berisi pisang yang tertulis nama orang yang paling mereka benci ke kelas pada esok hari. Jadi, jumlah pisang yang perlu dibawa bergantung kepada jumlah orang yang dibenci.

Keesokan harinya, setiap murid membawa beg plastic berisi pisang masing-masing. Ada yang membawa tiga biji, ada juga lima biji dan paling banyak lapan biji. Semuanya sudah ditulis nama orang yang paling mereka benci.

“Sekarang simpan pisang tu. Jangan lupa bawa ke mana sahaja kamu pergi selama seminggu. Inilah permainannya. Selepas seminggu, kita akan tahu keputusannya” beritahu Cikgu Maryam.

Kanak-kanak tersebut menyimpan pisang masing-masing di dalam beg. Hari demi hari berlalu, pisang tersebut mula berbintik-bintik dan akhirnya menjadi busuk . Kanak-kanak itu mula merungutdan marah. Mereka tidak menyukai permainan itu lagi kerana selain beg berat, badan berbau busuk. Ada yang menangis, enggan meneruskan permainan.

Seminggu berlalu, pagi-pagi lagi murid-murid Maryam sudah bersorak. Permainan sudah tamat. Tidak ada lagi beban dan bau busuk yang perlu dibawa.

“Okey semua, apa rasanya bawa pisang dalam beg ke sana ke mari selama seminggu?” tanya Cikgu Mayam.

Semuanya serentak mengatakan mereka benci permainan itu. Mereka hilang kawan, sering diejek dan terpinggir. Lebih teruk lagi, terpaksa tidur, makan, mandi, bermain dan menonton TV dengan bau busuk.

“Itulah sebenarnya yang berlaku kalau kita simpan perasaan benci pada orang lain dalam hati. Bau busuk kebencian itu akan mencemari hati dan kita akan membawanya ke mana saja kita pergi. Jika kamu sendiri tidak boleh tahan dengan bau pisang busuk hanya untuk seminggu, cuba bayangkan apa akan jadi kalau kamu simpan kebencian sepanjang hidup kamu” beritahu Cikgu Maryam.

Maryam mengingatkan anak muridnya supaya membuang jauh-jauh perasaan benci daripada membebani hidup. Kemaafan adalah yang terbaik. Menyayangi lebih baik darpada membenci…!

from Tentang Cinta

Friday, July 04, 2008

The Pleasure of Doing Nothing Useful

i'd like to share this article with YOU.

my time of doing nothing? that time after prayers when i just sit there on my sajada. just sitting there. nothing else. sitting there and i let my mind wonder.....

By Roger Housden

You might think there could be nothing more simple than doing nothing for no reason; doing something merely for the pleasure of it, without any thought of future profit or gain, without adding any skill or knowledge to your store, without any usefulness at all. Yet even doing nothing has now become something to do. Relaxation, the quintessential doing nothing, is something you have to "practice," and seriously, in a class for which the time slot is logged in your diary. A party is an occasion to "work the room." A weekend at the shore is an opportunity to get to know those well-connected neighbors.

A friend of mine, a magazine editor, told me recently how difficult she found it to leave her job behind. We were sitting in a restaurant in downtown Manhattan, and she was aware that she was constantly noticing the clientele, the décor, seeing if there was any angle that might work for a piece in her magazine. She longed to be able to sit down at a table without her work, to have a conversation with a friend that promised no more than the pleasure of their company. Yet her mind wouldn't let her agenda go. We each in our own ways have an agenda. We are all lobbyists for our own cause, our own opinions, aspirations, status, or career. While there's nothing wrong with getting ahead, whatever that may mean, it can also be an enormous relief now and then to lay down our own cause and enjoy wherever we find ourselves on its own terms.

You might think that all you need do to have no agenda and do nothing in particular is to allow yourself to sit down one morning in a spontaneous sort of way in the local café without looking at your watch. And, perhaps, to ask for a china cup.

It's true that the cup matters. It not only affects the coffee, it confers stability on your person. It means you are here to stay, at least in the short term. It means you are likely to be around for as much as the next half hour; that you are willing to be part of the quiet bustle and spectacle of the café terrasse. On a terrasse you are an observer and a participant at the same time, and you don't have to do anything for the privilege except to sit there. A café offers one of life's rare opportunities to happily do nothing in the company of others who are also doing nothing more useful than sipping coffee. American civic life could derive only benefit from switching to china, though I don't expect it to happen anytime soon.

Café life, without question, is one of the more enjoyable benefits of civilization. You can sit at your table for half an hour or more and watch the world go by, all for the price of a cup of coffee-or tea, if that is your preference. I know there's an irony in speaking of coffee and doing nothing in the same sentence; but the café isn't really about the coffee or tea at all. It's about the sitting there, hearing snatches of conversation, having your own thoughts, being aware of the other customers around you, watching the passerby, eavesdropping on the waiter's repartee.

Yet we are so good at being busy, we can even turn a cup of coffee into something to do. You may seem to be sitting there innocently sipping, but all the time you may be preoccupied with waiting: not just being there, but waiting for a certain amount of time to pass; waiting for your date, or for the train. Or you're busy sizing up the opposite sex. That may not seem far from doing nothing, but even so, it's not quite the same.

When you sit there and do nothing in particular at all-no waiting, no Palm Pilot, no cell phone, no agenda, nothing that will get you anywhere anytime soon-then a space can open up in your mind. Thoughts can float by without the habitual impulse to jump on their back and ride them for all they are worth. It may even happen that the taste of coffee gives way to the taste of yourself-the delicious relief of being-in-yourself.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

yay i was in the final 6!!!

i participated in a competition.

didn't win though.

but i was one of the 6 finalists. yay me!

check it out at Hip Hop Lit

that was the day

crying as if in opposition to the rain pattering outside on the pavement,
staring blindly at her plate still full untouched,
mind away from this place,
could this really be happening?
just a year ago...the same place, same person, not the other,
same date not year....but the same.....and somehow different and sad
"believe it!" says to herself "just accept it......."
"i can't, i won't" says the other her....