i was just staring at my ceiling the other night waiting for my pill's effect to kick in, this thought came to me. it might be a common topic but i haven't talked about it thoroughly yet.
you know how kids these days follow the western way of 'coupling' right?
now, i think, because of this trend, marriage doesn't seem like the obvious choice if you meet someone you could love. they would prolly think, why get official with marriage when 'coupling' makes it official too.
when you get together and announce yourselves as a 'couple'. you get more intimate, touching and sharing stuffs. and then when you get married, the pull is gone, the attraction might last for a while after the wedding but it will eventually fade (in most cases, which end in divorces)
i mean where's the fun in that? not fun, FUN! you get what i mean.
the girl/guy prolly have 'coupled' a few times before (an assumption). this, i think erases some of the sparks of a person.
you are married to someone who has been with someone else before, someone else has touched (lovingly) her/him before you did, you have touched someone else before too. the excitement of it is gone. there is nothing special about him/her anymore. sort of like been there done that. and some might even go to the unfathomable extend as to compare!
there isn't the charming electrifying feeling when you look at her/him because you know someone has had the same feeling before. you are never truly his, and he never truly yours.
so why 'couple' up?
like in the US, 49% of marriages result in divorces. why? because when you are in a unofficial-official relationship ('couple'), you fight and break-up. maybe not the small fights. but one big one does the job. so they bring that set of mind in to the world of marriage.
also, when you 'couple' the red line between wrong and right is magically removed. so there's no 'wrong' in having a 'sideline' when you're married to someone else.
look at the old couples, look at how blissfully happy they are. they truly belong to each other. spent their whole lives together, never with someone else before.
i would want that kind of a relationship. and it goes with my religion too. God is great
yes crushes, of course everyone has had them. they are harmless no? there's no wrong in having crushes the way i see it. as long as it's just a crush. not stalking or worshiping.
what do you think?
although, goofing around with friends is an entirely different thing.
the same rules apply, know your limit.