i think i'll continue the post
wee... waaay later on...(now that's funny when you say it loud)
so i went for the weekly meeting of GreenTeam (GT) last Monday. we planned on having the meeting then break fast together.
something of miracle happened that day....(lol)
well i was minding my own business at the computer room in college, suddenly my phone vibrated signaling a received message. it was from azwar. "aight i postponed my plans. so details for today?" or something along that line.
imagine the shock i had!! azwar finally agreeing to accept our invitation??? (if you were me or one of those who have been trying to ask azwar to come to something for a long time you would be shocked as well)
stared at the phone for some 5 mins then...
bloody hell! i haven't credit to reply! (the irony i tell you, usually azwar's the one without credit)
then it so happened that kim called me asking if i were free to go meet a lady we met at FFF. unfortunately i was not..had another class i had to go to before heading to gombak. i asked if she could send azwar the details of the day. kim agreed. and so, i left it at that. i went on to class still in the state of shock the whole time.
then later at about 15 mins to 5 azwar sent me another msg. "so?"
is suppose kim didn't send him the details. well i don't really blame her, it's prolly either she forgot or she thought the better of it. since she is one of those who have been inviting azwar to events but all to no avail. =)
then i called him using the house phone...but he didn't pick up. another try. he answered
"in class"
"oh um no credit"
"call me at 5"
yes, i went back home first before heading to gombak had to pick up the gift for azwar.
when i reached setiawangsa station...i bought a top up card.
sent a message to azwar.
azwar called back and asked if he could come closer to iftar time cause he has football practice.
i said, sure.
when i reached KAED and told kim and moon that azwar was coming they were, yup you guessed it, shocked!
"azwar's coming??"
"so how did you persuade him?" kim asked, i said i didn't even pull out the big guns...
wow. sufficient to say that's what we felt.
we waited for zayan, asna, naz and haneesa to come and decided to have our iftar at a restaurant outside of campus which is walking distance from the back gate.
zayan informed azwar of the plan.
we walked to the place (which was reeking of garbage smell. ignored) .
i suggested that we order tomyam and the side dishes instead of individual orders.
moon said "you mean like a family?? yay!"
yup that's what i was going for. we are sort of like a family. a very greeny one at that. haha.
and so we ordered and waited for iftar. crapping about stuffs. picking on naz for the littlest things. he's such an easy target. no offense naz! kitorang ngumpat pasal die kat depan mate pun tak sedar haih naz...i guess he's too in love to notice the world around him what more to care...LOL. perhaps.
...about 5 mins to iftar azwar called kim. since he tried calling me and i didn't answer (which i realised when he called kim. my phone has no sound. result of dropping it one too many times)
asking where we were. what?? zayan told him kn~ haih.
can you believe it he actually ran (most of the way) to the restaurant?? he didn't make it before iftar though. he arrived when we all have finished our meal. we tried hard not to finish the lauk-s. the ikan 3 rase. fuu...zayan was eyeing it. haha
we felt bad after that.
suh dtg byk kali da....bile finally dtg buat ktrang rase besalah ajak him in the first place. =_='
azwar~ azwar~
then on the way back to campus...i gave him the gift. it was a tshirt i bought in CM with kim. kim chipped in on it.
went to pray maghrib in KAED and continued our meeting. since we haven't really discussed any of the agendas...
watched 10 tahun sebelum merdeka
and then we dispersed.
zayan gave me a lift home.
we also made plans to go to penang during the December holidays!
here's to hoping it works out well!!